Fretex is the name for the Salvation Army in Norwegian and it is big here! Fretex is the place where Ikea becomes even more affordable and those old dishes from Grama's house (my grandma anyway) are a dime a dozen. OK not exactly a dime, actaully maybe about 10 bucks, but better than regular price!
Everyone in Norway shops at Fretex at one time or another. And you can see why, a fleece jacket at the local sporting goods store will set you back 150$, where one at Fretex will be maybe 20$.
Every neighborhood has it's local Fretex branch. This one is the mothership. It is outside of town a bit. We had to take a bus, but this is where all the stuff comes for distribution and sorting. It is huge, three stories, lots of furniture and big stuff. (in fact i think that i saw my Grandmothers entire living room set) We had fun, the kids got rubber boots and Evita even got rubber pants (apparently de rigur at the kidergarden!!)
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