Finally at long last i have a moment to write about our latest endevour. Fruity Keiko has it's latest incarnation at Riddervolds Plass in Oslo. We are in a great neighbour hood and we have nice and well established neighbours!
We opened our doors officially on the 19th of November and have been going strong ever since. I have been getting great feedback on all of the colorful things in the shop and how fun it is to have something "different" in this area of town.
Lots of times here in Oslo things get broken up into "areas". The ethnick area, the
We had a fun party on the opening! Lots of folks showed up to have Pink Punch and tost the night away. It was great and a good luck start for Ms Keiko.
It has been super cold lately, as in 10 degrees f. I desperatly need another heater in the shop. For the moment i am so swathed in sweathers that i can hardly move! But hey, I'm warm! I was having visions of putting in a fireplace in the cellar and just sticking to it like glue till sping. But i don't actually think that is an option!
I meet lots of nice people everyday who are willing to converse with me in some seriously funny Norwegian (mine!) Tusen Takk! The only thing that is missing is all of our wonderful friends from the Hotel in Troncones!