Thursday, October 09, 2008

Fruity Keiko in Zihua one year Anniversary Party!

We welcomed another year of fun and shopping in the FK Zihua store last Friday. Coconuts did great food and a lovely pink Champagne punch to die for. We had a huge turnout, partially because once the party got going so did the rain and no one could leave!! Muahahahahah!!
The raffle was a huge success and alomt everyone left with a little something! Including our esteemed owner of Another day in Paradise! Yea, Catherine!
So thank you Zihuatanejo for making it all possible!!
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Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for a new blog....and having an Eden anxiety attack. It's been too long since we felt the hot sand on our feet and the cool water. And much too long since Eva has given us any news.

Drew Watts said...

Beautifully celebrated one year anniversary party! I am looking for one of the spacious New York venues for my birthday party next week. Hoping to book the venue soon as have to rush for other arrangements also.